Tallahassee area Al-Anon meetings
Can’t find a Face-to-Face meeting near you?
Start an Al-Anon Family Group in your community! We can help!
Please contact the District 1, Area 9 District Representative at [email protected].
The District 1 Panel will be happy to help you establish an Al-Anon Family Group (AFG) in your community.
Who can start an AFG?
Any two or more relatives or friends of alcoholics who meet to solve the common problems they face because of someone else’s drinking may call themselves an Al-Anon Family Group, provided that, as a group, they have no other affiliation.
The Guideline G-12, Starting an Al-Anon Group, will aid you. It can be found https://al-anon.org/pdf/G12.pdf. Another helpful guideline is G-22, A Meeting on Wheels https://al-anon.org/pdf/G22.pdf
Another good resource is First Steps to Al-Anon Recovery Podcasts - Al-Anon Family Groups
Please contact us. We are here to help you get started!
Start an Al-Anon Family Group in your community! We can help!
Please contact the District 1, Area 9 District Representative at [email protected].
The District 1 Panel will be happy to help you establish an Al-Anon Family Group (AFG) in your community.
Who can start an AFG?
Any two or more relatives or friends of alcoholics who meet to solve the common problems they face because of someone else’s drinking may call themselves an Al-Anon Family Group, provided that, as a group, they have no other affiliation.
The Guideline G-12, Starting an Al-Anon Group, will aid you. It can be found https://al-anon.org/pdf/G12.pdf. Another helpful guideline is G-22, A Meeting on Wheels https://al-anon.org/pdf/G22.pdf
Another good resource is First Steps to Al-Anon Recovery Podcasts - Al-Anon Family Groups
Please contact us. We are here to help you get started!